
On the value of dancing solo

Sometimes you just gotta dance it out all by your lonesome.

Because being that guy feels so good.


A quote that struck me today

Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.
- John le Carre, "The Chancellor Who Agreed To Play Spy", The New York Times, May 8, 1974


On the value of going for it

Sometimes, we just gotta pick somewhere to start and go for it.

My grandfather captures this with CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited (this from the man who built his own airplane in his late 60s and then flew it).

It means, between the lines, go the fuck for it.


Zombies > Vampires

Screencap, Shaun of the Dead.

Three Zombie Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. 28 Days Later (2002)

2. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

3. Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun: [to a girl in the garden] Excuse me?
[no response]
Shaun: Excuse me?
[no response]
Shaun: Hellew?
[no response]
Ed: [picks up a pebble and throws it off her back] Oi!
[girl turns round, a zombie]
Shaun: Oh, my God! She's so drunk!


5 great television couples, ordered

1. Lily and Marshall (How I Met Your Mother).
2. Paul and Jamie (Mad About You).
3. Josh and Donna (The West Wing).
4. Cliff and Claire Huxtable (The Cosby Show).
5. Xander and Anya (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

Honorable Mentions:
1. Dan and Roseanne Conner (Roseanne).
2. Bette and Tina (The L Word).


Lessons learned in college: Water is gospel.

What did you really learn in college?

Lesson #1:

Water is gospel.

It's simple, and it's like this: when in doubt, drink water. Think about it: Infection? Flu? Too drunk? Caught between realities? Can't sleep? Want better skin? Dealing with a break-up? Tired from a work out? Broke? Rolling on E or dancing all night? Playing in the sun all day?

Water: it's always there for you and it's always a good idea.


Hangin' out nakie

Things that made me happy today:
-Waking up at 8am and reading a magazine in bed... for an hour.

-Going on a run in the mid-morning

-Picking up coffee from the shop across the street before heading home post-run

-Finishing a shit ton of projects and chores in the span of a few hours

-Trying a new place for lunch with a friend

-Realizing that not only is it a paid holiday.. but I only have a 4-day week!!

-Saving $27.27 on my grocery bill

-Text messages from a friend

-Hanging out nakie in my clean apartment


On gratitude and laughter

I laughed so hard last night that tears came to my eyes and I wept.

I doubled over, fell out of my chair and snorted, gasped, choked, coughed, hacked, laughed and guffawed with abandon.

It occurred to me afterwards how rare this experience can be-- and the fact that when something is really, truly funny we are, simply, overtaken by the moment.


Favorite movies directed by Quentin Tarantino

From favorite to least favorite:

  • Pulp Fiction
  • Kill Bill vol. 1
  • Reservoir Dogs*
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • Sin City
  • Deathproof
  • Kill Bill vol. 2
  • Jackie Brown

Not rated (because I haven't seen it):
My Best Friend's Birthday

*I definitely need to see this again.

On Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa makes me seethe with anger. There's something about her that's so easy to hate: her bleached teeth, her perfect blonde hair, her flirtatious, modern-women-can-do-it-all! cheeriness. I found her an annoying blip in the beginning, and then came that lame television show, and that Kenmore commercial where she runs around and finds time to do-it-all and collapse, exhausted and happy in the middle of her white bread myth.

It was the commercial that really did me in – Kelly Ripa, you're cute, but cut the shit.


My favorite things about fall

-The smell of seasons changing
-Back to school season
-Hearty dinners with lots of side dishes
-Sleeping in on rainy days
-Wearing slippers in the house
-Raindrops on windows from sideways rain
-Pumpkin patches
-The holiday season on the horizon


Titles of Mixed CDs I've finished

  • It's Raining and I'm Feeling Kinda Gay – self explanatory.
  • Sounds of SE, Vol 1. -- a tribute to livin' in Southeast Portland, Oregon in Spring.
  • Summer Bromance – dedicated to my friend DJ Adam, originally gifted for his birthday on July 4th.
  • Take On The World – a highly percussive mix that jacks you up.
  • Drug Mix – not for the faint of heart, intended for trippers and rollers
  • Say Hello To Good Times – soundtrack for drives to the pool with a slurpee in hand on hot, hot days.
  • Bathtime with Baby – an eclectic mix of singable musts for bathing your favorite newborn.
  • When I Get Home – for that last 40 minutes of a road trip, as you're nearing the place you're going.